Truly Inclusive Curriculum
Effective & Comprehensive Sex Education.
Research consistently supports that for sex education to be effective it must be inclusive and comprehensive. Inclusive Sex Education is comprehensive sexual health curriculum that is medically accurate, unbiased, and that intentionally and consistently includes and empowers diverse bodies and identities. Inclusive Sex Education is aligned to the California Health Framework (2019), and the California Healthy Youth Act (2015).
Comprehensive Sex Education
The lessons and assignments in Inclusive Sex Education were developed by Jamie A. Cutter, M.Ed. over several years while teaching high school in Santa Cruz County. Students provided feedback on lessons, and they were fine-tuned to support and engage a wide range of student needs.

About the Author
Jamie A. Cutter, M.Ed.
Jamie A. Cutter, M.Ed. has over a decade of experience teaching comprehenisive sex education and training teachers on more inclusive practices. Jamie is a high school teacher and advisor, Director of Health Curriculum at The Safe Schools Project of Santa Cruz County, a graduate of San Francisco Sex Information's Sex Educator training, and teaches a course on teaching health and creating inclusive classrooms in the Masters of Education and Teacher Credential program at the University of California, Santa Cruz. Jamie provides professional development and training for health educators and other school staff.
"Jamie does a great job of planning lessons so they are fun and interactive. It’s definitely the least awkward sex ed class I’ve ever been in."
-High School Student
"I am glad I learned about my rights and how they can help me in this class. I think once I start having sex I will need access to contraceptives and STI testing that I wasn’t aware I could access confidentially previously. Now that I know how to obtain and use risk reduction I am more likely to use it."
-High School Student
"The most important part of this class for me was the relationships unit. It was really refreshing to be in a classroom where things like abuse and unhealthy situations are talked about freely and with language that gets the urgency across without being triggering. I enjoyed learning about consent and actually really liked the Skill Building activity. I think stuff like that is really important. This concept will help me make healthier decisions because I have been taught in a school setting what things are genuinely unhealthy and not just a sensitivity.”
-High School Student
"This sex ed course was fun and meaningful. Jamie’s class is finally making a world where inclusive sex ed is a necessity and not a privilege. I enjoyed learning about sexuality and gender identity. Being taught that in a class setting made me feel very affirmed."
-High School Student